About Me

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Bonjour! I am currently a dancer with the Oklahoma City Ballet, spent last year dancing for Ballet Austin, and before that I spent 3 years training in Pennsylvania. All the while I have developed a love for baking and entertaining. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to throw fabulous dinner parties and create beautiful treats for everyone to enjoy. In fact, last year while dancing in Austin I even earned the nick name Michael Stewart(which I proudly accept). With my newest endeavor, however, I am not willing to share. Anything I am set on doing gets done in full stride; which is exactly why I can't have any little snacks holding me back. "What is so important that you cant even share with your friends and family," you ask? The answer is quite simple. . . . . . A Gingerbread House of course.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Look Mom I Graduated !

Okay well I never said college, but I did graduate my Wilton course's 1 & 2 this week. When serious work on the Old GB house began, I figured it would be a good idea to learn how to manipulate sugary confections, and so I enrolled simultaneously in the two classes. Every Monday and Wednesday for the past four weeks, me and my classmates have been slaving away making rosettes, shells,flowers of all types, as well as the dreaded ribbon rose. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very competitive person: in ballet I live for the moments when I get to be the example of what to do. Taking this mind set into my Wilton classes I would always practice material at home before we learned it, so I would be the best in the class.(sad I know)
Over the past four weeks I did learn a lot of techniques that will help my with the house as well as future cake making. The first picture is the cake from my decorating basics class were I utilized the techniques such as the shell border and the ribbon rose (suprisingly harder then the traditional rose). All in all I am pleased with this cake, although the frosting is sloppy; however, I was rushing.(no excuse I know) The second cake is my final cake from my flowers and cake design class. Utilizing the basket weave, shell, and rope border, I made a little basket holding some freshly picked daffodils which were made from royal icing with a gum paste stem. This cake made me happy when I finished. There are things that I would change and do better on both cakes, but are the mistakes still there if you eat them away?<>

1 comment:

  1. obras de arte,a la vista se ven muy lindas me gustaria comerlas,soy un musico y compositor Argentino,que muere pos los dulces,voy a seguir tu blog aunque mas no sea para mirar,yo escribo algo
    te invito a visitarme ,yo te seguire a ti
    guillermocharangofurlong.blogspot,com ,saludos y espero tu visita
